Geospatial Settings

The Geospatial page contains administrative settings for enabling and managing geospatial map visualizations.

Standard Geospatial Maps

By default, maps are disabled - check the Enable Geospatial option to enable maps.

The details need to point to an installed Pyramid in-memory database server (or instance) that contains the standard map database ("pagis"). By default, all In-memory servers are installed with this database. If you choose to move the hosting in-memory database to a different machine, you must change the relevant settings here to keep using the map system.

The details for the database are the same as those used for a normal in-memory data source.

Internet Access for Mapping

Together with access to the mapping database, Pyramid servers (Run-time and Task engine) need access to the internet to deliver map visualizations. The following 2 addresses should be accessible:

  • - this is used for geocoding addresses
  • https://* - used for all other map operations

Further, each client browser must have access to https://*

Enable Custom Maps

Check the "Enable Custom Maps" option to enable Custom Maps. This allows admins to upload custom map shape files for visualizations that are not included in the standard database (above).

  • Provide a server and database that will house the custom shape data. The server can be any data source setup in the data sources section of the admin.
  • All custom maps that you import will be uploaded to the same specified database.

Once configured, go to the Custom Maps tab to import a custom map file and manage existing custom map sets.

Note: this feature is available with the Enterprise edition only.